The Last Mile Condom and Lubricant Program in Malawi has been a significant initiative in ensuring that individuals have easy access to condoms and lubricants. Implemented by CEDEP under World Vision Malawi, this program has been commended by a delegation from PEPFAR and members of the CCM for its efforts in promoting sexual and reproductive health among its beneficiaries.

The delegation also highlighted some recommendations to further improve the program's success.

One of the key recommendations made by the delegation was to improve coordination between the Implementing Partner (IP) and the District Health Office (DHO) regarding the supply chain for the commodities. This will ensure that the necessary resources are available to meet the needs of the program's beneficiaries.

Another recommendation was to create proper records regarding the number of condoms distributed to individuals and the number of individuals who accessed the condoms. This will help in monitoring the program's progress and identifying areas that need improvement.

Incorporating Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) and demand creation activities in the intervention was also recommended. This will help in raising awareness about the importance of using condoms and lubricants and promoting positive sexual behavior.

The delegation also recommended exploring the complementarity aspect of free and socially marketed condoms as part of the Total Market Approach (TMA). This will ensure that all individuals have access to condoms, regardless of their financial status.

Increasing linkage between the Last Mile Condom Program and the Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) districts was also suggested. This will help in ensuring that AGYW also have access to condoms, which was initially intended.

Maximizing existing community structures such as Youth Community-Based Distribution Agents (YCBDAs) was also highlighted as a crucial component of the program's success.

The Last Mile Condom and Lubricant Program remains a crucial component of Malawi's efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and promote sexual and reproductive health among its population. With the commitment of all stakeholders involved, it is hoped that the program will overcome its implementation challenges and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of its beneficiaries.